Sunday, January 17, 2016


Our name has meaning. Your name has meaning. We have meaning.

The universal significance of the number 9 is known for love, eternity and faith. It is associated with the concept of spiritual enlightenment and awakening. A service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian. (1)  

As a tribe, which is best explained as a common cultures' social division within a traditional society.

We are Nine Tribe.
You are Nine Tribe.
Nine Tribe has meaning and purpose. 

We invite you to join the tribe on Twitter @NineTribe where not only will you receive vital information, essential support and an opportunity to help other 9's to join the tribe. If you do not have twitter you can view Nine Tribe's timeline here.

Shortly we will begin scheduled hashtag (#) led discussions and your participation is vital to allow the tribe to change what needs to be changed for the sake of all people experiencing family violence and trauma.

If you don't have an account, just ask.. one of us will help you and it is very easy to use. What you quickly realize when you join Twitter is the power it holds to reach and unite globally, without any bias from alternate information sources (i.e. news media).

On Facebook, we have both a public community page for you to 'like' to join and share with your friends to spread awareness; but, we also have a private group. It is a safe place to talk about any ongoing trauma or family violence and is moderated 24/7. Someone is always there for you.

Nine Tribe also has a You Caring account. We have established this in order to help other people experiencing family violence and trauma.

As a collective group, so far we have launched our first book "Speak No Evil". We are in the process of collecting more wisdom stories for the second, "See No Evil"; and third, "Hear No Evil".

Proceeds of each book will be donated to the You Caring account in order to gift a family in need. A committee receives recommendations which are voted on based on need and our gifting budget. Then that family receives the gift on behalf of Nine Tribe.

You can easily reach us at with your gifting recommendations or any other matter important to you.

We welcome you to contribute to our next book with your story in order to let someone else know, they are not alone.

We are Nine Tribe. You are Nine Tribe. We both are.

(1) Reference: